英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:20:10
  • 网络解释

1. 顺便提一句:by and large 大体上,总的来说 | by the by 顺便提一句 | a piece of cake 容易的事

2. 顺便说:By the book 按常规 | By the by 顺便说 | *By the numbers 合拍地, 系统地, 按常规地

  • 临近词

Judging the voice not by appearance but by the voice itself makes the TV show stand out from numerous amusement programs.(通过歌手的声音而不是歌手的外貌来评判声音,使得这档电视节目在众多娱乐节目中脱颖而出。)
The original shop was opened by a retired printer by the name of Gruby.(那家店原先是由一个叫格鲁比的退休印刷工开的。)
Iran, by the by, still eggs Hamas on to make negotiations with Israel difficult if not impossible.(顺便说一下,伊朗仍在支持哈马斯,在可能情况下,将使哈马斯同以色列之间的谈判更加困难。)
By the 1920s, he was lionized by literary New York.(20世纪20年代前,他被纽约文学界所吹捧。)
By the by: I had an idea for a carb-neutral ice cream.(我想出了一个关于零增肥冰淇淋的主意。)
The camp is surrounded by razor-wire fences and guarded by military police.(该营地周围架着尖刀似的铁丝网,并有宪兵守护。)
Well, and so we breakfasted at ten as usual; I thought it would never be over; for, by the by, you are to understand, that my uncle and aunt were horrid unpleasant all the time I was with them.(唔,象平常一样,我们那天是十点钟吃早饭的。我只觉得一顿饭老是吃不完,说到这里,我得顺便告诉你,我待在舅父母那儿的一段时期,他们一直很不高兴。)
The government would not allow anyone to sneak in by the back door and seize power by force.(政府不允许任何人用不正当的手段混进来,然后通过武力夺权。)
I was sickened by the way Carol charmed all the men by turning coy.(我对卡罗尔忸怩作态哄诱男人的方式感到恶心。)
If it is, and by the by it is, it is then it is the same person.(如果是这样的,是的话,那就是同一个人。)
by the by是什么意思 by the by在线翻译 by the by什么意思 by the by的意思 by the by的翻译 by the by的解释 by the by的发音 by the by的同义词